The two-volume set LNCS 12726 + 12727 constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2021, which took place virtually during June 21-24, 2021. embedded system security; system security;
This second edition of the Azure Networking Cookbook will help you get a firm grip on basic and advanced Azure network management tools. You'll discover the latest networking features in Azure and gain the confidence to create cost-effective solutions for efficient connectivity.
Blockchain and distributed-ledger technologies enable new modes of communication, synchronization, and transfer of value with a broad impact on IoT, Data Science, society, industry, commerce, and government. This book studies the potential impact of Blockchain and distributed-ledger technologies on IoT.
This volume contains the essays, originally published online, that led to Netscape's decision to release their browser as open source, and helped Linux to rock the world of commercial software.
For Unix users and system administrators, this book contains shell scripts that help the reader easily crunch data and automate repetitive tasks, offering a way to quickly harness the full power of any Unix system. It provides tips, tricks, and organized knowledge needed to create scripts, as well as warnings of the traps in shell scripts.